Well, we are sitting at Yakima Air Terminal waiting for our flight, so it seems like a good time to reflect. If I had to sum this trip up in one word, it would be, “gratitude.”
Back in the US of A
We arrived Stateside on December 13, and the kindness immediately started flowing. My classmate from back in the day noticed we were at Dulles, and she came pronto to pick us up at the curb, followed by a pancake and grits binger at IHOP, and then a very cold whirlwind tour of the National Mall and relevant monuments:
Mia Grindeland, you are the best tour guide ever! I laughed, I cried, and I entered a blueberry pancake syrup induced food coma during our quick visit after so many years. (I won’t say how many.). Let’s just say that we still got it goin’ on!!!
After Mia dropped us off back at Dulles, we continued to Seattle where we were warmly greeted by the likes of Aimeé Muul and Dan Gottlieb. We also had a lovely dinner with insurance coverage attorney extraordinaire, Angelia Wesch. (I’m still in a food coma from that excursion.)
We tried to connect with a few others, but our short stint didn’t allow for it.
The next morning, we flew to the southwest….
El Téjon in Tucson (y México)
The next day, we flew down to Tucson where we were met by my dear Cara Mia friend Marion Kaufer and family!!! Woo hoo!!!!! We shopped ’til we dropped and the next day woke up at o’dark hundred to drive to an undisclosed location on the Sea of Cortez in Mexico. Never have two people been so spoiled! We watched the pros kite surf while we dined like kings, walked the beach, or sat in the hot tub. It was so peaceful and quiet–there is no one there. Just beach and the breeze. I haven’t slept that well for decades.
Luke put us on the trainer kite, but we never got to kite surf because of lack of wind. But we saved photographic evidence of Luke’s training:
That night, the neighbors had us over for yet another food fest, and Marion, Larick, and I recounted our trek up Kilimanjaro in 2016. Good memories except for the part where Marion got HACE. 😱
Marion also took some beautiful pics of us on the beach. If you ever get the chance to use her services, please do!
Yakivegas aka The Palm Springs of Washington
After our delightful trip to Mexico, we returned to Tucson and flew back to Seattle and then to Selah to visit the fam. Again, the outpouring of kindness overwhelmed us. First, we saw my sister and her husband, who fed us delicious homemade tacos and beer. Then we met my dad and his new wife, Elaine, who let us crash st their place. Lovely and peaceful! Dad barbecued some steaks before we left, so we are ready for the 30+ hours of flying that awaits us.
While in the Yak, we saw my other classmates Brett and Janis, both of whom treated us to very nice meals and fellowship. Thank you!
The icing on the cake was our annual Christmas dinner with the whole famn damily. Best smoked turkey ever! And cherry pie! I can’t find cherries in Tanzania, so having Uncle Craig’s cherry pie was the bomb.
Amy and Warren also took us to White Pass for skiing. Or as I like to call it, freezing my ass off while flying by the seat of my pants. It was fun! If we could only teach Larick how to brake…
here were many many others who welcomed us and made us feel like royalty. I will forever remember your kindness as we make our way back to Kilimanjaro and 2018.
The only dark spot on this holiday was having to celebrate without my beautiful mom. I held it together well until today, when the tears started flowing as I sat at the dining room table and remembered how she used to flit about the kitchen, cooking and preparing. Always pleasant and cheerful no matter how tired she was. I miss you, Bomb.
Next Stop Kilimanjaro
And just like that, we are loaded on our little Bombardier puddle jumper and getting ready for takeoff. Merry Christmas to everyone! Keep your loved ones and friends close, and reflect on all the good you have in your life. And don’t forget to share your gratitude with them.
Badger OUT. 🎄
I wish I’d been in Washington when you were visiting too. Loved all the posts you made and living vicariously through your travels.
Wishing you safe travels home to Africa.
Thank you! We just landed in Addis Ababa. One more short flight and we’re home.
Amazing times forever to be cherished…
and more amazing times about to happen….
You always blow my socks off, dearest friend… 🙂
Aw, Cara Mia!! 😘
Love you Stephanie!! Was great to see you guys and hang out! Our whole family enjoyed your company. Until next time!
Aw, love you, too! We loved hanging out with you. See you next time!