The Legend of Cara Mia: International Woman of Mystery

Cover Photo:  Cara Mia and the Honey Badger in Zanzibar, February 2018

Almost two years have passed since my transformational journey to the slopes of Kilimanjaro, yet there is still so much richness that I need to share from that experience.  This post concerns what was one of the most significant events during my trek:  meeting my dear friend, Marion Rohe Kaufer.  I fondly refer to her as “Cara Mia,” ’cause she’s Argentinian-American (and German), and she speaks really good Spanish.  Marion is a professional photographer and was hired to photograph our climb to Uhuru Peak in September 2016.

I didn’t know Marion (or anyone else for that matter) when I signed up for the trek.  Through our private Facebook group, however, we all quickly got to know one another.  Because I was the one with the weird name (“Badger”), I kind of stood out like a sore thumb.  Oh, and I have a creative urge that causes me to make ridiculous quirky training videos, which I posted frequently to the group page.  Marion noticed these posts, and she also noticed that I was a HUGE Metallica fan, evidenced by my prolific use of Metallica music as background tunes.  Oh yeahhhhhhh….

Marion and I started corresponding through the group posts and also privately.  I immediately took a huge liking to her.  She was larger than life: energetic, positive, vivacious, alluring, funny, and engaging.  She was someone I wanted to know better.  Suffice it to say that we hit it off and became fast friends.  To give you an idea of her HUGE persona, check out this email Marion sent all the climbers in June 2016, followed by the actual shot Marion took at Barranco Camp (I’m the silly one lying down in front):

Hello everyone, this is Marion, the photographer that will share and photograph this journey 🙂 (For those that didn’t know).
Here’s an idea, just tell me what you think!
How about we pick an awesomely exotic location and we do a group shot
” I LOVE MYSELF IN UNDERWEAR”. If you don’t love yourself in underwear I will teach you to do so… and if I convince you… Voila!!!!
Keep in mind that long johns and long sleeve undershirts are also underwear.
Confidence promotes confidence and liberates people. Let me know what you think!

Group Tasc Barranco
The KiliSistas at Barranco Camp, Night #3, showcasing our Tasc base layers and LOVING OURSELVES IN UNDERWEAR!!!  Majestic Kilimanjaro rises behind us.

As we chatted, Marion and I quickly discovered that we had the same fears about Kilimanjaro.  Good Lord, what have we gotten ourselves into?  Are we in good enough shape?  Will we fall down?  How will we pee on the mountain?  Will we make it to the top?  How bad will we smell bad not having showers for seven days?  Oh, and that freaking Barranco Wall!  Hell to the NO!!!!  Are we good enough to be doing this?  {To cut to the chase, hell to the YES!, we were/are good enough.}  Marion and I spent many conversations fretting about a mountain we hadn’t even been to yet.  It was so comforting to share with her.  We also commiserated about our various misadventures training for Kilimanjaro, including a time she did a long hike in the perilous Tucson heat–without sufficient water.  Ahem.

I also had a chance to air some of my grievances about life at the time, including some, well, let’s just say “unsatisfactory” situations.  She also quickly picked up on my insecurities about body image and other things.  Marion is a good listener, and she’s intuitive.  She gave me confidence.

At long last, we finally met at the Amsterdam Airport en route to Kilimanjaro on September 18, 2016.  Many of the women were on the same flight out of New York, including Marion.  I was solo, arriving on a different flight from Seattle.  Their flight arrived before mine, so I quickly jogged to the Kilimanjaro departure gate, eagerly looking for my KiliSistas.  I found them!  I said, “where’s Cara Mia?!” and she materialized.  There were exclamations of joy and hugs all around!

Now I need to fast forward a bit.  I learned much later that Marion was a little taken aback when she first saw me in Amsterdam.  I wasn’t wearing makeup, my hair was a mess, and I looked like death warmed over from 9+ hours of flying.  But my crowning glory was (apparently) my chosen attire:  A baggy moomoo-like giraffe print dress that made me look, um, frumpy-licious?  Ha!

In my defense, I always wear baggy moomoo-like dresses when I fly, ’cause I wanna be comfortable.  I don’t want sausage casings around my body during such ordeals.  Fashion be damned!  Anyway, Cara Mia has an eye for fashion because she photographs real live fashion models, so I think my appearance rather underwhelmed her.  Of course, she was very nice when she explained her first impression and merely said she was surprised because I exuded a Metallica-like image on our Facebook group, and she was expecting me to appear in a black leather jacket, motorcycle chaps, high-heeled sexy-boots, cool sunglasses, with a badass Rottweiler studded choker around my neck.   Although this picture was taken before the flight, it showcases the aforementioned baggy moomoo, so you can appreciate it, too.  (See later in this post for the “after” shot!)

Giraffe Girl

As you know from my other posts, we made it to Tanzania, and our seven-day trek up the Machame Route began.  It was hard from Day 1, but we persevered.  Marion had some difficulties near the summit, but she recovered completely.  You can read about it here.

Marion took incredibly fabulous pictures all along the way.  She is a natural-born photographer:  She has the eye and the technique.  Here is one of my favorites of me after conquering that damned Barranco Wall, relishing the moment with the inimitable Edie Magnus.  Also there is my dear husband, RG3, in the blue shirt (carrying all the shit!).  Yeah, he was carrying his own pack, emergency oxygen/supplies, and MY PACK.  LOL!  Thank you, Baby.

Edie Magnus and Badger celebrate!
Edie Magnus and Badger celebrate, with RG3 grinning from behind!

After we returned from Kilimanjaro, Marion, I, and a few of the other KiliSistas set out for a fabulous four-day Serengeti safari.  I will cherish that time forever.

During safari, Marion and I talked about me coming to Tucson after we returned to the United States for a personal photo shoot.  She told me she would make me feel beautiful and that I would actually believe it.  I didn’t believe her for a second.  But I’ll be damned.  She did just that.  Check out the slideshow below (untouched), and compare those shots to Giraffe Girl above, bearing in mind that is the same Giraffe Girl from only two weeks prior!  She brought out the REAL Honey Badger hiding behind the giraffes.  And, let it be known that Marion selected all of these clothes for me without me being present.  Do you understand what I just said?  She picked out these clothes for me without having me try them on first!  They all looked great and fit perfectly.  I was absolutely astonished. She has such a gift.  Hell, I can’t buy proper clothing when I have the opportunity to try it on first!  She will forever be my personal shopper extraordinaire.

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Actually, let’s see Giraffe Girl again for comparison, shall we?

Giraffe Girl

I love giraffes, but they are better seen, not worn.  At least in this Badger’s case.  LOL!

Marion played another important role in my transformation to life in Africa.  When I was planning on meeting Larick to accompany me as my guide to Zanzibar after safari, I was a little more than apprehensive.  He was so gentle and nice on the climb, but I didn’t really know him.  Was I crazy to be going to Zanzibar with him alone for four days? Could I trust him to behave? {As it turns out, NO!  LOL!)  Marion encouraged me, saying that she was confident Larick would be no problem.  Our American guide, Jeff, also said that he had known Larick for years and that he was a good guy.  Of course, our complete story remains to be fully told, and I am seriously contemplating writing a book that will go into graphic detail.  Stay tuned!

In any event, after Larick and I officially hooked up as a couple in Zanzibar, Marion was my confidante and supported me and Larick completely, without passing judgment or scaring me.  She encouraged me to grab life by the horns and ride it hard.  So I did.

Since Kilimanjaro, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting with Marion and her family a few times, once in December 2017 and also at our Zanzibar wedding in February 2018.  That woman is a saint:  She flew over 99 hours round trip to witness our big day.  Eventually I will put together a killer video of those events, but please enjoy these teasers now, all created by Cara Mia:

Engagement Photos – In a top secret location in Mexico somewhere south of Tucson – December 2017:
Night Before Our Dirty Freedom Wedding in Stonetown, Zanzibar – February 13, 2018
And the Icing on the Cake – Our February 14, 2018 Wedding in Chukwani, Zanzibar:

Notably:  It was COMPLETELY Cara Mia’s idea to put that pretty green scarf on the table and to have Larick retrieve my bridal bouquet from the tree you see in the pictures.  There, Cara Mia, the proof and credit is there for everyone to see, in perpetuity!  You ROCK!!!!

The video of Larick getting my bridal bouquet is here.

Marion and her family have been so good to us.  I can never repay her or them for their hospitality and kindness.  They will always be family to us.  Muchas gracias, Cara Mia, for everything you’ve done for me.  I adore you!

-Badger OUT.

If you want to experience your own Dirty Freedom, join us in Africa for the adventure of a lifetime. Dirty Freedom Adventures


  1. Reply

    What a wonderful friend you found in Marion. Like I’ve said before, you took up such a challenge and I was able to witness some of it through social media and a brief time at our reunion. When you showed up to the river float covered from head to toe, I thought “How is Stephanie going to climb Kilimanjaro?” And, even though I didn’t voice my concern, I was concerned about how you would. I knew you’d been training, so I felt you’d be as prepared as possible. Watching through photos of your change during the short first trip to Africa – before, during, and after the climb, I knew you had made a mental transformation and it was showing in your being.

    You are not the person that you were only a few years ago. You’ve blossomed, and maybe found yourself again after losing yourself for many years.

    With love from the ‘upper left, USA’

    1. Reply
      The Badger Post author

      What a LOVELY comment, my friend! Thank you! It seems like years ago that we floated the river, but it was only a month before I left for Kilimanjaro. Wow. You, too, have transformed beautifully. I know I will see you on the Rooftop of Africa someday. And anywhere else you wanna go. 😊❤️👌🏿🔥🏔

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